Tag: Libya

The Stalemate Continues
Clashes between Libya’s Shield and Gen. Hafter’s loyalists continued with a bloody confrontation at a Benghazi port and an air strike at the Ansar al-Sharia base in Derna. On Saturday June 22, Hafter issued a 48 hour ultimatum for all...

Stalemate Continues
In what was understood as a blunt response to Ban Ki-moon’s call on all Libyan actors to start dialogue under the auspices of UNISMIL, Gen Khalifa Hafter told Saudi-funded Al-Hadaath TV that his Dignity Operation would continue and that there...

No Military Solution to Libya’s Crisis
Despite the intensification of the bombing strikes on what the pro “Dignity Operation” claim to be terrorist targets, retired General Hafter, who survived an attempt on his life last Wednesday, seems unable to achieve his campaign’s goal. A dialogue backchannel...

Military Stalemate in Benghazi and Political Deadlock in Tripoli
Threats made by Ansar Al-Sharia in a televised statement, last Wednesday, offered retired General Khalifa Hafter support in his claims to be fighting terrorism. The threats won his “Dignity Operation” additional support in Libya and tacit support in the West....

Libya’s Version of Mutually Assured Deterrence at Work
General Hafter’s “Dignity Operation” is struggling to achieve its declared aim despite the daily upbeat propaganda in some Libyan and Saudi-funded broadcasting and print media outlets. The General National Congress (GNC)’s decision to mobilise the Misrata-based Middle Shield units to...

Testing Times for Libya’s Nascent Army
The bombing of Libya’s oldest historic Sufi tomb of Sidi Al-Wushish in Derna, Benghazi, by an unknown group (believed to be Ansar Al-Sharia) last Wednesday, may have provided an additional reason for retired General Khalifa Hafter to march his “Libyan...

Ahmed Maetig Elected Prime Minister
Businessman Ahmed Maetig was elected to the premiership post following a controversial round of voting at the General National Congress (GNC). Dr. Maetig, who holds a degree in economics from London and reportedly owns a number of businesses in Libya...

Crossing the Rubicon in Benghazi
Nine Special Force Brigade soldiers were killed following a heavy assault on the Benghazi Police Headquarters reportedly by Ansar Al-Sharia. The government held Ansar Al-Sharia responsible and warned in a televised communique that it “will not allow the existence of...