Tag: Libya

Libyan Conflict Actors Meet in Morocco and Algeria

A fresh three-day round of political dialogue took place in Skhirat, Morocco last week under the auspices of UNSMIL. The meeting convened four representatives of the Tripoli-GNC and Tobruq-House of Representatives. According to UNSMIL’s press release the discussions focused on...

/ March 9, 2015

Increasing Difficulties in the Dialogue Process

UNSMIL’s dialogue efforts has become the latest causality of the aftermath of ISIL’s ruthless execution of 21 Copts in Sirte, and the Egyptian regime’s retaliation air raids on reportedly ISIL assets in Derna, in northeast Libya. The deteriorating security situation...

/ February 23, 2015

Libya’s Geneva 2 Dialogue: “Don’t Expect Immediate Results”

On Sunday 25 January, UNSMIL announced that talks among Libyan crisis stakeholders would take place on Monday in preparation for a second round of dialogue on Wednesday. Leon’s press release indicated that this second round would convene representatives of local...

/ January 26, 2015

UNAMSIL’s Libyan Dialogue: Tripoli-Geneva via Istanbul and Back?

The first round of a Libyan dialogue kicked off last Wednesday, 12 January, under the auspices of Bernardino Leon’s UNAMSIL. After a round of two days of talks, Leon understood that this new initiative would see the same unfruitful fate...

/ January 18, 2015

Ghadamas II Political Dialogue

Echoes from Tripoli let believe that a UNSMIL’s new round of political dialogue between the GNC and Tobruk’s House of Representatives (HoR) would take place on Wednesday 11 February in Ghadamas, southwest of Tripoli, on border with Algeria. On the...

/ January 8, 2015

Libyan Crisis Chess Game

With no surprise, UNMSIL’s Libyan dialogue conference on 5 January did not take place. Hafter’s airstrikes on Misrata’s airport and port ended the divisions among Misrata leadership on whether or not to join Bernardino Leon’s dialogue meeting between Tripoli’s GNC...

/ January 6, 2015

Dialogue in Libya: All Roads Lead to Tripoli’s GNC?

UNSMIL’s Bernardino Leon announced that political dialogue between the GNC and the Tobruk House of Representatives (HoR) would take place inside Libya within few days. The announcement was made at the GNC headquarters on 2 February, following Leon’s meeting with...

/ January 3, 2015

A Compromise in the Making?

Echoes from Tripoli and Algiers indicate that a compromise for the Libyan crisis may be in the making. There is seemingly talk of a fresh roadmap through which both the General National Congress (GNC) in Tripoli and Tobruk’s House of...

/ November 28, 2014