Tag: Conflict

Crossing the Rubicon in Benghazi
Nine Special Force Brigade soldiers were killed following a heavy assault on the Benghazi Police Headquarters reportedly by Ansar Al-Sharia. The government held Ansar Al-Sharia responsible and warned in a televised communique that it “will not allow the existence of...

Constituent Assembly Passes Electoral Law
The Electoral Law was passed on Labour Day following heated debates at the Constituent Assembly, paving the way for the Independent Electoral Commission to start preparations for parliamentary and presidential elections due before the end of the year. Two issues...

The Constitutional Assembly Convenes
The Constitutional Assembly (CA) tasked with drafting a new constitution for Libya convened its 47 members at Al Beida, where Libya’s first constitution was drafted in 1952. The CA voted Ali Tarhuni, founder of the National Centrist Party and former...

Tunisian Diplomat Kidnapped in Tripoli
Mohamed Ben Sheikh, ambassador’s secretary at the Tunisian mission to Libya, appeared on a Youtube clip pleading for President Monsif Merzouki to resume negotiations with the militant Islamist group Shabab-Al Tawhid. The Islamist group demanded the release of two Libyans...

UNSMIL Ask Tunisia to Support Libyan National Dialogue
On Friday, the head of UNSMIL, Tarik Mitri, met with President Mouncef Merzouki and Rashed Ghanouchi to discuss the Libyan political crisis. Meanwhile, some Libyan news outlets reported that preliminary talks among Libyan political parties took place in Tunisia late...

Electoral Law to Elect a New Legislature Passed
On Sunday, the General National Congress approved a new electoral law for the election of a new legislature to replace the current National General Congress. The law (124 Congress members out of 133 voted) reserves 15% of the seats to...

Bataille pour le Contrôle Religieux
Le bras de fer entre le gouvernement et les salafistes qui ont pris le contrôle des mosquées après le soulèvement de 2011 se poursuit à travers la Tunisie. Vendredi dernier et pour le deuxième vendredi consécutif, la prière n’a pas...

Imed Drij Condamné
Imed Drij, porte-parole des «Hommes de la Révolution du Kram» (association membre de la Ligue nationale de protection de la révolution(LPR)) a été condamné à quatorze mois de prison pour incitation à la haine et à la violence via les...