Category: Blog
End of Mission for Hafter?
The London-based daily Alaraby reported according to sources it did not name that the Egyptian defense intelligence briefed Abdulfata Al Sissi about the difficulties Khalifa Hafter’s Libya Dignity military operation has been facing in Libya a few months after its...
Al Islah Party’s Alliance with the National Independence Party
Jabhat Al Islah, a Salafi party, has announced that it will enter the upcoming legislative elections under joint lists with the National Independence Party (NIP), the latest political party to be formed in Tunisia. Announced at a press conference on...
UNSMIL’s Ghadames Conference: Much Ado for Nothing?
Despite the fact that UNSMIL’s press release was clear in saying that the national dialogue meeting, which took place Monday in Ghadames, was a preliminary one aimed at confidence-building measures (an immediate cease-fire), the news reports were quick to reach...
Race for Presidential Elections Open
Now that the deadline for presidency candidacy was over on Monday the race is open among the presidential hopefuls to build coalitions. With Ennahdha not presenting an official candidate, its voting base will inevitably have a say in the outcome...
UNSMIL’s Bernardino tries his Luck in Libya
Lyon Bernardina, UNSMIL’s Special Representative of the UN to Libya, announced on Sunday that a dialogue would take place on 29 September between the General National Congress in Tripoli and the elected parliament in Tobruk. UNSMIL’s communique states that the...
Damage Control inside Nidaa Tounes
The decision of Beji Caid Sebesi to run for president seems to have brought rivalries within Nidaa Tounes into the open, and on Sunday night Tunisians were given a taste of electoral campaign scandals. The revelations, however, did not come...
A Decisive Battle Looms in Benghazi
The stalemate between the GNC government of Omar Al Hassi in Tripoli and the Abdullah Thani government in Tobruk persists. The domestic political power struggle focused last week on winning the loyalty of the governor of Libya’s Central Bank, Seddik...
King Maker? Ennahdha Decides not to run for Presidential Elections
After three months of suspense and following two days of consultations, the Ennahdha Movement’s Shura Council decided that the movement will not present a candidate from its ranks for the upcoming presidential election in November. Ennahdha, however, would “support the...