Category: Blog

The Supreme Court resets the Counter

Against all expectations, the constitutional section of Libya’s supreme court ruled in favor of the appeal against the legality of paragraph 11 in Article 30 in the 7th Amendment to the Constitutional Declaration. The paragraph in question, known as the...

/ November 9, 2014

Two Weeks before Elections Ennahdha Maintains the Suspense

Late on Saturday night, 8 November, Ennahdha’s consultative council announced its call on its members to vote massively in favor of those whom they deem fit to serve the national interests of Tunisia, in the upcoming 23 November presidential elections....

/ November 8, 2014

Ennahdha-Nidaa Tounes: A complicated Story

On the day the electoral campaign for the upcoming Nov.23 presidential election kicked off, Ennahdha’s Shura (Consultative) council convened for a two-day meeting to ponder over the movement’s position as far as which candidate to support. Ennahdha movement that is...

/ November 3, 2014

Divided We Stand?

On November 4th, the constitutional court is due to rule on the legality of the decisions of the Tobruk-based House of Representatives (HoR). Experts diverge on the outcome: some constitutional law experts think that after repeatedly postponing its decision the...

/ November 3, 2014

Ennahdha’s Election Score: Electoral Defeat or Strategic Retreat?

Early partial results of the 26 October general elections in Tunisia have indicated that Beji Caid Essebsi’s Nidaa Tounes is leading in this second electoral test since the 2011 Constituent Assembly elections in which Ennahdha enjoyed a landslide victory by...

/ October 28, 2014

Mousa Ibrahim, Qaddaif’s Spokesma, Re-emergers after Three Years

Mousa Ibrahim who led Qaddafi’s PR campaign to counter the 2011 uprising in Libya re-emerged last week in Cairo, three years after his last public appearance in late summer 2011. Addressing a gathering of former Qaddafi figures and supporters, Ibrahim...

/ October 25, 2014

Processus de dialogue à la lumière de la situation politico-militaire : quels enjeux ?

La visite du Secrétaire Général de l’ONU constituait un évènement remarquable. Ce dernier a rencontré deux délégations de députés qui boycottent les réunions de Tobrouk. Ban Ki-moon était accompagné par le vice-président de la Chambre des députés qui représente les...

/ October 13, 2014

Essebsi’s Communication Scandals and Ennahdha’s Mixed Messages

Tunisians celebrated the Eid Al Adha feast with a strong dose of electoral campaign blunders emanating from Beji Caid Essebsi’s communication performance. His appearance on public TV last week was a difficult experience, even for his supporters. In response to...

/ October 5, 2014